Gabriella Lascano

Beauty, Lifestyle, Plus Fashion, Travel

Morning Routine

Having a morning routine will keep you organized and on track to have a productive day. Of course, no one is perfect, and its okay to fall out of line from time to time! Especially when you're sick (like I am right now) or extra busy etc. But in general, having a timeline for your day and being aware of your goals for the day is the best way to feel accomplished and get things done. 

Here are some easy steps to begin a morning routine that can change your life. And another thing, don't be afraid to change it up and trying different elements to your routine daily. 

1. Have a good sleep schedule. 

Make sure you're setting alarms for when to sleep and when to wake up. Getting up at the same time everyday will help you feel more rested and ready to start your day. 

2. Wake up early. 

This should be no surprise, but going to bed and waking up early will motivate you to accomplish more. The world generally wakes up and goes to bed at the same time so everyone is doing things and accomplishing their goals at the same time. you'll start to feel better about yourself when you are too. 

3. Have a TO-DO list. 

Now, the best way to do this is to write monthly goals and then turn those into daily tasks but it doesn't always have to be that way. Sometimes the mood strikes and you get inspired to create something that's not on the main goals list for the month. When you wake up quickly write down the main things you have to get done, from taking out the trash, to making doctors appointments, to filming a youtube video. It doesn't matter how small the task may seem, if its something you could forget, or something time sensitive, write it down. Being able to physically check off items from this list will generally make you feel more productive and more accomplished which leads to general higher self esteem.

4. Do a quick clean up.

Now its your deep clean day this shouldn't take too long, but when you wake up take some time to fluff and put pillows back, take cups, plates, bottles, etc to the kitchen and put things back where they belong. By tidying up quickly mess will not pile up and you come back to clean space that allows you work and live better in the space. 

5. Have a skincare routine.

I know for a lot of people this is so silly and they will make no time and effort for it. But your morning skincare doesn't have to take long. It can be as simple as face wash in the shower and a good SPF before you run out of the door. Try to "make time". By this I mean multi task, wash your face in the shower, or mask in the shower, and let your moisturizer sink in as you're making your coffee. 

6. Make your bed. 

I know this may be annoying but I promise it makes a difference. Remember that amazing feeling you get in a hotel when you come back to your room and your bed is made? Theres no better feeling. 

At first it may feel difficult to stick to this, but eventually it becomes...A routine! ha! and of course according to your specific lifestyle this may change and you can add or take away what matters to you or the specific things you have to do! 

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