Gabriella Lascano

Beauty, Lifestyle, Plus Fashion, Travel

Shrimp cucumber boats & Asian salad

 Shrimp cucumber boats & Asian salad 

Start with Cooked white rice 

  1. Cook shrimp in lemon oil.Add garlic onion Paprika lemon pepper black pepper salt cumin

Optional* cilantro hot honey and crispy chili onion

  1. Prepare Sriracha mayo & avocado mix (avocado, everything but the bagel seasoning, lemon oil & salt)
  2. Cut and scoop cucumbers with a spoon and pat dry 
  3. Fill cucumbers with rice, shrimp and top with avocado, cilantro, Sriracha mayo & sesame seeds 

Asian salad dressing 

  • Hot honey
  • Sesame oil
  • Rice vinegar 
  • Soy sauce
  • Garlic 
  • Chili onion 

Salad: greens mix, lettuce, nut mix, yellow bell pepper, red onion

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